Setting A Self Care Routine That Actually Creates Change
What does Self-Care mean to you?
Sure, indulgent spa days are great.
But what do you do on the daily to take care of your needs (emotional, physical, mental and spiritual) consciously?
It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or expensive or time consuming.
It’s simply taking the time out to nurture yourself. To nourish your soul in whatever way you need.
For me it’s my sacred solitude in the morning
What started out as a simple act of taking a few mins to meditate and then squeeze in a workout every morning has turned into an elaborate routine, that now seems non-negotiable.
Of course, life takes over and time is a luxury on some mornings, but on those days I do at least one thing for myself. Most of my mornings I wake up and meditate, do some Kundalini kriyas and breathwork. Followed by a walk by the beach. Nothing resets you like spending time in nature. On mornings that I need to empty my mind of all the chatter I take the time to journal.
Morning Pages is something I picked up from Julia Cameron’s book “The Artists Way”. It’s a great way to unscramble your thoughts and find some clarity before you begin your day. Other self-care rituals could include cooking a meal for yourself while really enjoying the process as opposed to doing it in a rush and as a chore. Taking yourself to an art exhibit or even your favorite coffee place. Taking a warm bath or cold shower. Dancing, doodling, singing, laughter, play time with your kids or pets. The list can go on and on and it’s open to your own interpretation.
But having a sacred ritual just for yourself is so essential. It’s self-devotion. In a world that glorifies “hustle culture”, productivity and always doing, it is important to even just be, guilt free. We are human BEings after all. Take the time out to be, take the time out to pour into your cup.