Today we live in a society that conditions us to believe that if we put ourselves or our needs before others we are “selfish”
If we can honestly look at our relationships today -When we give love to someone, we do it with the expectation of receiving it back from them and if we do not receive it back the way we want to -be it in words, actions or the same intensity of feelings - we feel hurt.
Our love slowly starts turning into resentment. And when these feelings are suppressed (because expressing something like this is, of course a huge taboo), over a period of time this resentment culminates into unhappy relationships and eventually, an unhappy person living inside the shiny exterior.
If we were to do a science experiment, and you were to fill 5 glasses of water from a big cup - would you be expected to go ahead & do it when the principal cup is empty? Would it be SELFISH of you to first fill that principal cup from which you need to pour? Or would it just be a BASIC REQUIREMENT TO PROCEED with the experiment?
Then how come you are expecting yourself to fill everyone else’s cup with love without first pouring it in yours?
As Dr. Joe Dispenza has scientifically proven- our thoughts are electric, our emotions are magnetic, and together they make an electromagnetic field around our body that attract like frequencies from The Quantum Field - in short like attracts like . In order to attract elevated emotions like love, we must first put out that love via our thoughts & emotions.
So the question still remains, if we are to give out love to receive it then where is it that we actually get it from??
The answer has been given to us time & again in every spiritual scripture of every time period & region.
When we connect with Divine Energy and allow it to flow through us, we are allowing pure divine love to fill our vessels and flow out through us. ( Divine Energy encapsulates God/ Creator/ Higher Self / Source/ Unity Consciousness - whichever name you choose to give that infinite Universal Energy that we are all created from)
When you start pouring out this unconditional love into your relationships- simply because you have so much in abundance to give, not with expectations or conditions of any kind- they start mirroring this love back to you - that’s the Law of Attraction on which the entire Universe Operates.
Doesn’t it then make sense to fill this gap up for yourself?
To do what it takes to charge yourself up everyday with this Divine Love rather than operate your vessel on empty batteries and overworking your systems?
Doesn’t it make you stop & think that if you haven’t taken the time to fill your cup with love, then what is it that you have been pouring out to everyone around & isn’t it the same hurt & disappointment then being reflected back to you via others
What I am getting at is this & it really is a hard pill to swallow - You are not a “victim” of circumstances & uncaring people around you, who don’t seem to understand you or love you enough the way you want to be ( of course we all feel the need to be loved, we are human) - but in reality, you are the “writer” that has unknowingly created all of these good / bad / ugly relationships in your life with the energy you have been giving out !
Once you accept this fundamental truth & take full responsibility to make the change within yourself first, you will realise that you really can create MAGICK in your life & it all starts with LOVING YOURSELF.
So yes, Self Love can seem selfish to a society that glorifies a constant need to suppress your own inner feelings, opinions & desires for that of others -all for the coveted tag of being an “ideal son/ daughter/ mother/ partner etc” and the carrot of “going to heaven” at the end of it all.
But for those who have started to awaken from this conditioning, are starting to realise that Heaven is not a destination to get to, but a state of mind that we create ourselves in this lifetime . Self love, then becomes the foundation on which you build your entire Life Experience.
In conclusion, don't equate self love to self indulgence or to those few small pleasures you sometimes allow yourself to feel good about yourself temporarily- that is just scratching the surface.
SELF LOVE is taking full responsibility of every situation, relationship, reality you find yourself in & actually LOVING yourself enough -fiercely & courageously to take your own hand and get yourself out of it and start to create your own reality from a place of Unconditional Self Love.
That is when you will experience the pure magick of this existence the way we are designed to experience it!